Setting up agent limit
in progress
Lilith Jalalyan
As an admin user,
I want to be able to set up a limit per agent,
So that I can define the maximum number of total conversations an agent can be assigned at any given time.
Acceptance Criteria
Set Limit Functionality
Given I am logged in as an admin,
When I navigate to the agent Agent section
Then I should see an option to set a limit on the number of conversations per agent.
Input Validation
Given I am setting the conversation limit for an agent,
When I input a number,
Then the system should validate the number to ensure it is a positive integer or i can increase or decrease the limit via the arrows
Saving the Limit
Given I have set a conversation limit for an agent,
When I click the save or submit button,
Then the system should save the limit and apply it immediately to the agent's account.
Enforcement of Limit
Given an agent has reached their assigned conversation limit,
When a new conversation is initiated,
Then the system should automatically route the conversation to another agent who has not reached their limit or queue the conversation if all agents are at capacity.
Adjusting Limits
Given I want to adjust the conversation limit for any agent,
When I navigate to the agent’s profile,
Then I should be able to modify the existing limit and save the new value, which should be applied immediately.
This post was marked as
in progress
Hello Lilith Jalalyan,
Setting up agent limit is very important to ensure a correct workflow within the CS teams.
Take into consideration that there are differences between agents (new hires and senior agents) which can handle more or less workload and the number of chats assigned at the same time needs to be according to their capabilities in order to ensure quality support towards clients.
Moreover, this will help with tracking an agents performance.
Regarding inbox-level limit, I am not sure how this feature would still be relevant.
Leaving here as an example, this situation:
Agent limit should only be in effect over chat communication channels (Social media, Live Chat function from websites, etc.) and email based communication should not be assigned to anyone. It should be in a pool and when an agent will reply to the email, it should only be then assigned to him.
Let me know if this is clear and if you need more feedback.
Portuguese Support - Suporte em Português
Alin I agree with almost everything that you said, except for this:
"It should be in a pool and when an agent will reply to the email, it should only be then assigned to him."
I think this should have the option to :"Assign Agent to the "pool" ", or not.
This way, only Agents in the "pool" , can do emails, but you should still be able to track their case for example, you have specific Agents only doing emails.
This way, if you have a major email workload, you can add everyone to the Email "pool" , and everyone can do emails, and you can track their performance...or if you have a lite workload, you can just have one or two Agents doing the emails, but still being able to track their performance.
Lilith Jalalyan
hey here,
Júlia PlayPIX Alin Portuguese Support - Suporte em Português
Thank you so much for your input and for helping me to define priorities! Since you're interested in this feature, I'd love to understand how we can best meet your needs.
At the moment, we have an inbox-level limit for assignments, and we're planning to introduce an agent-level limit soon. I’d like to hear your thoughts—do you think the inbox-level limit would still be useful once the agent-level limit is in place, or do you believe it could be removed?
Hi Lilith Jalalyan jan,
This is important for us because, for example, at PlayPIX support we have three teams working on the same livechat at different times.
The first team is from 9am to 2pm, the second from 2pm to 7pm and the third from 7pm to midnight. That's why we need to be able to define the business hour per team that is linked to the inbox and also the automatic assignment among these teams, because imagine that team 1 (9 a.m. to 2 p.m.) can't receive a ticket outside of those hours, so the distribution of tickets should throw the service to the team that's working at the moment.
Lilith Jalalyan
Lilith Jalalyan
Pouria Tajdivand
under review
This post was marked as
Pouria Tajdivand
under review