Email Verification for Hoory Account Activation
Lilith Jalalyan
As a new user excited to join the Hoory platform, I want to receive a verification email immediately after registering an account, so that I can confirm the ownership of my provided email address and promptly activate my Hoory account.
[ Acceptance Criteria ]
Given: I complete the Hoory registration process,
When: I provide my registration details, including a valid email address,
And I submit the registration form,
Then the system should initiate the sending of a verification email to my provided email address.
Given: the verification email is sent to my inbox,
When I access my email account,
Then the email subject should contain " Hi [Meow],
Welcome to Hoory! We have a suite of powerful tools ready for you to explore. Before that we quickly need to verify your email address to know it's really you.
Please take a moment and click the link below and activate your account.
[Confirm my account] "
Given: I open the verification email,
The email provides a "Confirm my account" link,
I should be able to click the link to activate my Hoory account.
Given: I click the "Confirm my account" button
Then the system should validate my email address and activate my Hoory account.
Given: my email address is successfully verified,
When : I log in to my Hoory account,
Then I should be granted full access to explore and use the suite of tools available on the platform.
Given I encounter any challenges or uncertainties during the email verification process,
When I encounter error messages or need clarification,
Then the error messages should be informative, and there should be a way to contact Hoory's customer service for assistance.
Given: the verification email does not arrive in my inbox within a reasonable time,
When: there's a delay in receiving the verification email,
Then I should have an option to request a new verification email to ensure timely account activation.
Given I require support or have inquiries about the email verification process,
When I seek assistance from Hoory's customer service,
Then the customer service team should respond promptly and helpfully to address my concerns.
Lilith Jalalyan
Alireza Jangi
in progress