As an admin/agent user I want to access call inbox settings to configure the Call channel with specific tabs and configurations.
Acceptance Criteria:
Settings Call Based Channel ________________________________________________________________
  1. Upon entering the settings of the phone channel, I should find the following tabs with configurations accordingly.
Settings tab of the Call based channel should include the following settings:
  • Channel avatar
  • Channel name
- Channel Greeting should be mandatory and always enabled ( this is the first message the AI reads while answering to the end user with the input placeholder text ) this should be enabled all the time
Under the channel greeting input the placeholder text should be replaced with “ Note: the call is being recorded for quality purposes“
  • Set Reply time
  • Enable CSA
  • Enable conversation continuity via SMS
(If the selected number doesn’t support SMS that number should not shown in the drop-down)
NOTE: There might be several call based channels within the same workspace, the numbers which support SMS should be showcased in the drop down with multi-select opportunity. If the user selected a number that means when the Continuity is enabled in the text editor the “ Reply” tab should be renamed “ Send SMS” and the number should be mentioned so that the user can see to whome the sms is going to be sent.
Also, next to each transcript we should show the SMS CTA so that the agent/admin can send the transcript as an SMS.
Business hours ___________________________________________________________________________
When the end users are calling out of the business hours the AI should read a message (default one / or should customize)
Collaborators Tab__________________________________________________________________________
Within this tab, I should be able to view and manage agents associated with the inbox.
There should be functionalities to add or remove agents from the inbox.
Call configuration _________________________________________________________________________
AI Assistant Configuration Tab:
I should be able to navigate to this tab to configure the integration of an AI Assistant for answering calls.
Options should be provided to select and attach an AI Assistant for handling incoming calls.
Each tab should be clearly labeled and easily accessible within the phone inbox settings.
Changes made to configurations within each tab should be reflected and saved accordingly.