E-mail errors
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Lilith Jalalyan Hello, if a Gmail's password is expired, the app passwords are deleted automatically as I have noticed with many Accounts we use on our workspace, However previously we used to get an E-mail if one of the inboxes gets disconnected, and now we do not.
Lilith Jalalyan
waiting for reporter
Lilith Jalalyan
George hey,
As the Gmail App Passwords are permanent and there is no expiry date for them, the only way to make them invalid is by deleting them by whoever has access to the Gmail account, unfortunately, we don’t get any notification about the App Password is deleted, even If we do, there is no way to retrieve the new password in Hoory (as it's a password and should stay secure by google) and update it for a particular Hoory channel.
Lilith Jalalyan
in progress
Kristine Mkrtchyan
Hi George I was able to face an issue when the config is "Single Sender Verification". Lilith Jalalyanjan here is issue link : https://ucraft.atlassian.net/browse/HOORY-8213
Kristine Mkrtchyan let's check it together
under review
Hossein No I am not receiving any email when it gets disconnected.
George: It needs to be checked on your end,
Christina Manukyan let's check it together
Christina Manukyan
Hossein jan I think you tagged wrong Christina :D
Christina Manukyan: Yes, my bad :D
Christina Manukyan
Hossein no worries)
waiting for reporter
Dear George, when SMTP/IMAP get disconnected, the following email will be sent, If you are not getting this email, it needs to be checked.
Please let us know
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