As a user of the widget,
I want to access and review my previous conversations within the widget interface,
So that I can easily refer to past interactions without leaving the current context.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am an authenticated user of the widget,
When I access the widget interface,
Then I should see a "Previous Conversations" section or tab.
Given I have initiated conversations in the past,
When I navigate to the "Previous Conversations" section,
Then I should see a list of my past conversations in chronological order, displaying the latest conversations at the top.
Given I have multiple conversations in the list,
When I click on a specific conversation,
Then the widget should expand to display the content of that conversation thread, including messages, timestamps, and any associated media.
Given I have an ongoing conversation in the widget,
When I access the "Previous Conversations" section,
Then my current ongoing conversation should remain unaffected and visible while allowing me to browse previous conversations.
Given I am viewing a conversation from the "Previous Conversations" list,
When I click on a message or media within that conversation,
Then the content of that specific message or media should be enlarged for better readability or viewing.
Given I am viewing a conversation from the "Previous Conversations" list,
When I click on a button to reply or continue the conversation,
Then the widget should transition seamlessly to the ongoing conversation, allowing me to continue where I left off.
Given I am viewing a conversation from the "Previous Conversations" list,
When I am done reviewing and want to return to the list of previous conversations,
Then there should be an intuitive navigation option, such as a back button, to easily navigate back to the list.
Given I am viewing the "Previous Conversations" list,
When I have no past conversations,
Then a message or indication should be displayed, informing me that no previous